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Ten Tech implications of a Trump Victory

Having survived an assassination attempt in circumstances that would bring tears of joy to even the most hardcore JFK assassination conspiracy theorists, Donald J Trump has emerged the front runner in the US presidential elections that will proceed on 5 November 2024.

As the front runner in this election his impeding victory could have wide ranging implications for technology sector in the USA and Worldwide.

1. Deregulation of the Technology Sector

Trump’s previous administration demonstrates a history of supporting deregulation across a wide range of industries including the technology sector.

2. Section 230 Reform

There is a high chance that Trump may repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which has been used a legal shield to protects internet or app companies from liability for user-generated content. This would affect facebook,Tiktok, X, snapchat among others companies.

3.National Security Impacts

There is potential for potential restrictions on Chinese technology companies during the next Trump presidency. The crackdown on Huawei due to national security concerns could be expanded towards other foreign technology companies.

4. Research and Development

Trump has demonstrated enthusiasm for funding scientific research, and this could lead to further technological innovation, with more funding to organizations like NASA and DARPA.

5. Impact on immigration for tech workers

Trump’s previously changed immigration policies in a manner that affected tech workers. A continuation or expansion of such policies may make it more difficult for tech workers to emigrate to the USA.

6. Competition in the tech sector

There may be an impact on competition rules such as those involving antitrust issues, and this may affect major tech companies. Trump has in the past been critical of companies such as Amazon.

7. Federal Data Privacy Standards

There are indications from trump that he may seek to create federal data privacy standards to replace state level regulations .

8. Wireless Infrastructure

Trump is expected to push for 5G infrastructure to be rapidly improved across the USA, and to also improve broadband access in rural areas.

9. Reaction to Climate Technology

Trump has been vocal that climate change should not lead to energy costs increasing. Less environmental regulations might negatively affect the green technology business.

10. Automation and Developments in AI

Trumps biggest concern is minimizing unemployment and providing an opportunity for further work for those affected by AI. It is though that he may attempt to achieve this by raising tariffs, thereby increasing local demand for goods and services within the USA.

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